From: Behind the Redwood Curtain
Date: February 15, 2006 4:48:15 PM PST
Subject: Not Dorothy Parker, Dorothy Thompson on Fascism, silly!
Thursday Night Talk is about Fascism and Dorothy Thompson, not Dorothy Parker as previously reported...
Bob Dornan provided this correction:
Dorothy Parker once reviewed a novel by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. "This is not a book to be cast aside lightly," she declared. "It should be hurled with great force."
Best to all!
Michael Twombly
"Loco" Solutions
ps: Don't forget tonight (Wednesday, February 15th) 6:30 P.M. at the Wharfinger: "Who Owns the Waterfront? Security National or Us?" Organizing for Action. Pass it on and bring a few friends and neighbors.
1 comment:
Re: Subject: Not Dorothy Parker, Dorothy Thompson on Fascism, silly!
Don't worry, it happens all the time. Toward the end of her life, Dorothy Thompson (1893-1961) was lecturing at Dartmouth when she was approached by an eager student, who begged her to "say something funny." Thompson replied: "I'm afraid you have me confused with that Parker woman."
As for Parker, she remarked of Thompson ca. 1939: "Well, I suppose she doesn't know as much as God. But I'm sure she knows as much as God did at her age."
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